
Service Level Agreement

Effective Date: March 1, 2024

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) outlines the service levels, availability, and support response times for Skycloak’s Dev, Startup, and Growth plans, along with any Skycloak-developed add-ons and extensions. Skycloak may update this SLA periodically, with a 30-day notice to existing customers.

1. Guaranteed Availability

Skycloak guarantees a Monthly Uptime Percentage of:

  • Dev: Best-effort availability.
  • Startup: 99.95% uptime.
  • Growth: 99.95% uptime for standard clusters; 99.995% for large clusters (available in Growth plan or as an add-on).

2. Definitions

Available means that the Skycloak Console and Keycloak services are operational and accessible.

Downtime: More than 10% error rate within a specified period on valid user requests, resulting in a Covered Service’s unavailability.

Downtime Period: A consecutive period of one minute of Downtime.

Monthly Uptime Percentage: Calculated as the total minutes in a month, minus Downtime minutes, divided by the total monthly minutes.

Service Credit: A percentage of the Customer’s monthly bill for affected services credited to the next billing cycle if Skycloak fails to meet the SLA.

Business Day: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST).

Severity 1: The customer cannot access critical features or services (e.g., Skycloak console or Keycloak cluster is unavailable).

Severity 2: Critical processes have limited functionality, affecting essential user flows or application usage.

Severity 3: Primary product functionality is impacted, but some aspects are operational.

Severity 4: Minor issues affecting a small number of users with available workarounds.

3. Support Contact and Resolution Times

Skycloak offers various support channels based on your subscription plan, as detailed in the table below:

Plan Support Channel Availability
Dev Help Desk, Email Business Hours
Startup Help Desk, Email Extended Hours
Growth Help Desk, Email, Slack 24/7 for Severity 1 Issues

The resolution times for each severity level are outlined in the following table:

Severity Level Response Time Resolution Time
Severity 1 30 Minutes 1 Business Day
Severity 2 4 Hours 2 Business Days
Severity 3 8 Hours 4 Business Days
Severity 4 48 Hours Resolution Not Guaranteed

Note: Support coverage also applies to Skycloak-developed extensions based on the respective plan’s severity, response, and support time. However, if the extension is developed or configured solely by the customer, it is not covered by Skycloak support, similar to unsupported changes in Keycloak configuration.

4. Downtime and Service Credit Calculation

If the Monthly Uptime Percentage falls below the SLA guarantee, Service Credits apply:

Monthly Uptime Percentage Service Credit Percentage
99.50% – 99.95% 5%
95.00% – 98.99% 10%
90.00% – 94.99% 35%
Below 90% 50%

You may request such credit within 7 business days of the event.

5. Contact and Support

For any questions or to request support, contact us at [email protected].

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