
Generate Your Keycloak Docker Compose in Seconds!

Deploy Keycloak with our customizable Docker Compose generator. No setup confusion, just get it working.

Include Reverse Proxy
Persist Database Data

How to use:

  1. Generate your configuration:
    • Select your Keycloak version
    • Choose whether to add a reverse proxy layer (Nginx or HAProxy)
  2. Download the required files:
    • docker-compose.yml (required)
    • For Nginx: nginx.conf
    • For HAProxy: haproxy.cfg
  3. Place all downloaded files in the same directory
  4. Open a terminal in that directory and run:
    • docker compose up -d
  5. Access Keycloak:
    • Without proxy: http://localhost:8080
    • With proxy: http://localhost
  6. Login with default credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin

Note: This configuration is optimized for Docker Compose. For Podman Compose support, stay tuned for a future update!

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