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Pricing model for services used by businesses with multiple users, based on the number of registered users within each organization.
Example: If a company with 200 employees signs up, the pricing would be based on those 200 users.
Pricing model for services used directly by consumers, based on the number of active users each month (Monthly Active Users, or MAU).
Example: If an app has 10,000 users logging in each month, the pricing is based on those 10,000 active users.
The number of unique companies or teams using the service. This is a unit count in B2B models.
Example: If 3 separate companies (each with their own teams) use the platform, the Org count is 3.
The number of unique users who log in or interact with the service at least once per month. Commonly used in B2C pricing.
Example: If 5,000 unique users log into an app in a month, the MAU count is 5,000.
The total number of registered users within organizations using the service in a B2B model.
Example: If 5 companies use the platform, each with 100 registered users, the B2B Users count is 500.
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